beauty contests

美 [ˈbjuːti kənˈtests]英 [ˈbjuːti kənˈtests]
  • n.选美比赛;“选美式”竞争(指互相竞争的公司或个人为说服某人采用其服务而举行的展示活动)
  • beauty contest的复数
beauty contestsbeauty contests

beauty contests


  • 1
    N-COUNT 选美比赛
    A beauty contest is a competition in which young women are judged to decide which one is the most beautiful.

  1. The word'Jumbo'isn 't often related to beauty contests .


  2. Well , first and foremost we need to remember that most of these aren 't beauty contests .


  3. Most people agree that the business of beauty contests began in America .


  4. For all you know , her kid could end up winning beauty contests .


  5. Through the years , controversy has surrounded beauty contests .


  6. She 's won a lot of beauty contests .


  7. All the beauty contests are for slim girls only .


  8. Susan : Well , fine . I won 't enter it in any kidney beauty contests .


  9. All supermodels become famous through beauty contests , so we all wanted to take our chances .


  10. As one of the three most prestigious world beauty contests , the57th Miss World Pageant came to China for the fourth time .


  11. Going in for the beauty contests at this level is not all cakes and ale . we 've a lot to think about .


  12. And boyfriend Arin Andrews , 16 , was born a girl called Emerald who excelled at ballet dancing and won beauty contests .


  13. Smale responded by giving up her title and taking a hiatus from beauty contests , and has pledged to use her experience to combat body shaming .


  14. Her victory vindicated China 's decision to lift its ban on beauty contests , and pay the organisers of the competition to be allowed to host it for four of the past five years .


  15. Parinya Jaroenphon , 29 , a former man and Thai boxing champion , has worked as a model and won a queen title in beauty contests since he became a woman by surgery in1999 , xinhuanet reported .


  16. While noting that the popularity of beauty contests has been rising ( China 's Yu Wenxia won the Miss World pageant over the weekend ) , the editorial argues that in this case things seem to have gone a bit too far . '
